Chino Church of Christ

11940 Telephone Ave. Chino, CA 91710

Bulletin September 01 2024

Save the dates for the month of September….
September 8, 2nd Sunday singing at the home of the Lacuata’s. Please bing a dish to share and enjoy the fellowship.
September 22, We will be hosting the Youth Connection here at Chino. There will be a potluck lunch served following morning worship service. We are asking that you bring a dish or 2 to provide not only for the congregation, but also for our guests. This potluck will be in lieu of the 5th Sunday potluck that was scheduled for Sunday, September 29th. There will be a devotional following lunch and evening service is canceled.
September 24, The Lunch Bunch will be meeting at Casa Sanchez located at 2264 S. Mountain Ave., Ontario, at
11:30 AM. Hope YOU can join us!

…but prayer was being made earnestly to God for him by the church. Acts 12:5

Gaby Bailey-Juarez, please pray that Gaby’s new liver and kidney will continue to function fully.
Glenn and Janice McCoy, (former Elder at the State College congregation.) Glenn is in a nursing care facility and is struggling. Please keep his wife, Janice, as she lovingly deals with Glenn’s struggles.
Mildred Hamilton is struggling with knee/health issues and has been placed on hospice. Phone calls are welcome, (909 306-7446), and she can have visitors.
Richard Ramirez, is dealing with health issues.
Vera Anthony, Vera is struggling with health and family issues.
Leo Juarez, (brother of Raquel Vales). Leo is struggling with mental and physical issues.
The Callejo family, Rey and Mary are currently dealing with immigration to get their daughter, Daphne Sophia, to the US.
Jolu Rupel, (Gene’s mother), is in assisted living and is under the care of hospice. Please pray for her comfort.
Kevin, (Frances Pink’s grandson). Prayers to help him deal with some difficulties.
Dana Sabbara, (Cindy Proffitt’s dear friend’s daughter). Dana was diagnosed with very aggressive Stage 4 Metastatic breast cancer that spread to her liver and bones. There is an update that includes GOOD news and BAD. The bad news is that her neuropathy in her hands and feet have worsened from treatment and they are changing up her chemo which can cause a different set of side effects. The GOOD news is her tumor marker test results show that
it is lower than it has ever been! 16.1 is 3 points lower than her lowest in the past year! The family is extremely grateful for prayers said on Dana’s behalf. A REJOICING UPDATE…Dana was baptized on March 31st, at the
Mira Loma church of Christ.
Irma, (Bobbie Hansen’s mother), Irma lives with Bobbie and she has been diagnosed with Alzheimers and Dementia.
Ken McCutcheon, is dealing with several health issues.
Shirley Burton, (Karen’s mom), growth found on kidneys.
Gabriel, (Mystique’s coworkers’ son),. Gabriel is on a donors’ list for a new heart.
Jocelyn Browning, (Vera Anthony’s daughter). Jocelyn is dealing with health issues and is seeking work.
Alan Bailey-Juarez, seeking a new job.
Jon Kemble, (Amber Casolari’s brother). Jon is dealing with 2 different diseases that has no cure and is receiving pain management. If you would like to send him a card, then here is his address: 13825 Paris St., Huntington, TN38344.
Ted Vidal, (Ed Vales son-in-law), was involved in a head on collision. His injuries are serious and he is facing surgery.
Martha Iribe, (Samara Strayer’s mother), has been diagnosed with Myelodysplastic syndrome, (MDS), which is also referred to as preleukemia.
Rachel, Anne and Gene Rupel’s niece-in-law. Rachel is a young mother and has been diagnosed with breast cancer and is receiving treatment.
**Connie Ramirez, has been diagnosed with breast cancer and is doing well following her surgery. She has returned to work.
Cora Gaies, Terry McDonald’s mother has recuperated from her eye surgery. However, Terry has asked for continual prayer for her mom.
Abby Alvo, is recuperating from a tonsillectomy and is now with her family in TN. Please continue to pray for her health.
Walter Warner, 1st cousin of Michael Brown from Upland church of Christ. Walter is a brother-in-Christ and is hospitalized in Columbus, Ohio, fighting for his life with leukemia.

UKRAINE, especially those of the brotherhood.
OUR SENIORS: Lee Dacus, Joe/Lupe Lueras, Ken McCutcheon, Mildred Hamilton, Earlene Abraham, Geri Falkner, Vera Anthony, Leota Jackson, Jean Williams, Jerry/Carol Thompson, Frances Pink, and Barbara Bailey.

MILITARY: Ed Vales’ granddaughter’s husband, (AJ Jones), is at Joint Base Lewis-McChord in Tacoma, WA.
OUR SHEPHERDS: Corey, Reuben and Brunel
City of Children (Orphanage in Mexico), Orphan’s Lifeline International, and Agape Village (Children’s Home).
PREACHER TRAINING SCHOOLS: Bear Valley Bible Institute, Sunset International Bible Institute, and Southwest School of Bible Studies.
CONGREGATIONS: Metro Manila, Bicol Region, and Baguio. (These congregations are located in the Philippines).
TELEVISION PROGRAM: In Search Of The Lord’s Way, (a nationwide gospel program).


September Birthdays
09/04 Ed Vales
09/20 Mary Callejo
09/21 Dianna C. Moore
09/23 Francis Pink
09/30 Alex Ortiz


Read through the Bible in 2024.
The dates for weeks 35 through 36 are from 8/26/2024 thru
9/6/2024. Reading schedule is provided by Gene Rupel.


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