Chino Church of Christ

11940 Telephone Ave. Chino, CA 91710

Hoover Update – August

Dear Friends and Family,

“We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf; be reconciled to God”  2Cor.5:20
A recent sermon I heard had us thinking about the thought, “you may be the only Christian that many will ever see”. As I think about this it makes me think of the hundreds, yes thousands, that we have brought Christ to through this ministry. We will probably never see them in this life, but because of your generosity, your love for God, and your willingness to give and pray for this ministry and these children, thousands are being introduced to Christ and are being reconciled to God. We ARE to spread the good news about Jesus and it’s happening every day in and around the homes that we all care for.
It’s so AWESOME to see in our recent newsletter that 2 new homes have been completed for our new widows program in Kenya. We’re so thankful for the blessings so many are sending that have enabled this to happen and many more will be built. This is a tremendous and powerful ministry that the director, Harrison, has put together by the grace of God. He is taking Jesus to these destitute families and giving them HOPE.  Thank God that we can be used to assist.
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One of the houses being constructed, they have cement floors with doors and windows!! Next month I’ll be able to show you the finished homes if you miss it in the newsletter.
We are thrilled that we’re still able to help the areas around our homes with food and essentials as the COVID lockdowns are still VERY severe in some areas of our world. India is still struggling with severe outbreaks and lockdowns.
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It seems so strange and odd to us as we were seemingly through the worst of it here, but there has not been much of a lull in these areas of India. Thank you so much for the generous donations to the COVID FUND!!
Here is an update of the picture at Safe Home in Liberia that I posted last month. The new classroom area continues to come along as the students and workers work on this project. The walls are getting high and completion is in sight! As I’ve mentioned before, ALL of our children are in private education. Here at Safe Home we have school right on the grounds and children from the nearby village are able to enroll also!!
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Safe Home 7-21b.jpg  Some of the beautiful children at Safe Home!!

Kathy and I have had a great month! After attending early camp at Yellowstone Bible Camp the end of June we continue to visit each week and remind everyone of the opportunity to bless these children’s lives and thank those that come that are current donors of which there are many! We visited Family Camp for the evening after the long weekend and then on July 17-24 we served at the middle school camp at YBC.  We have served at this same week for 22 years straight! (It would have been 23 except for covid) I absolutely LOVE working with and teaching these middle school children!! Our attendance was lower than past years, 29 campers, and it made it easier to get to know each camper a little better. We have averaged about 50-60 for our week and hope that it will be back at that point next year! This year we shared great information from Lee Strobel’s book, A Case For Christ. It’s awesome to see the kids come to understand how credible the scriptures are and how they can be trusted.
As soon as camp wrapped up on the 24th we drove to Lander, WY. arriving at 9pm after a 6 1/2hr drive. I was offered the opportunity to do a presentation for Orphans Lifeline and preach on the 25th. I did this 2 years ago, it’s the Sunday that starts their State wide Bible Camp and so there are always many visitors. Thank you to the Lander group for making this wonderful opportunity available to us. It’s always a joy to see the families in WY!!
We went up to YBC last night and we’ll continue visiting through this month. We may yet see some of you there!! I’m scheduled to speak in Helena, MT on Aug.29 and then, Lord willing, I will be back to my normal TRAVELS!! I have been communicating with new donors in Jonesboro, AR and am working on a plan to visit there as early as possible. Then I can get to churches in the midwest  that have opened their doors to me in Oct / Nov just as I had been doing pre-COVID.
Thank you so much for your generous hearts and love for God, this mission, and our family! We have donors with O.L. that have been helping with the Hoover ministries for 36 years, since we started our first mission, a church plant in Stratford, Ontario, Canada. You know who you are!  🙂  We have so many wonderful, lovely people that we have gotten to know over the years. Thank you for being a part of our lives and having a heart for God’s children!!
Our love to you all,
Kelvin & Kathy

20210704_164156.jpg  Kathy and our youngest of 7 grandchildren, Wade, on July 4th!!  🙂

Kelvin Hoover
Orphan Advocacy & Church Relations
Orphan’s Lifeline Int’l
406-220-2143 (mobile)
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