Chino Church of Christ

11940 Telephone Ave. Chino, CA 91710

Bulletin – March 21st, 2021

From the Elders:
Sunday morning Bible Classes will be resuming on Sunday, March 7th, at 9:30 AM with worship following at 10:30. We will be studying 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus & Philemon. Materials will be distributed starting February 28th.

Based on the recent guidelines on Covid restrictions on places of worship published on February 22, 2021, singing during indoor worship is limited to 10 performers. As a result, the Sunday assembly schedule will be as follows:

9:30 to 10:15 Bible Study in the auditorium
10:30 to 10:45 Singing, Scripture Reading, Prayer: Outdoors
10:45 to 11:30 Lord Supper, Sermon and Closing Prayer: Indoors

(Our Sunday night worship and Wednesday night Bible study have been cancelled until further notice.)


Save the date….This Tuesday, March 23….Lunch bunch will be gathering at Los Portales, 10244 Central  Ave., Montclair, at 11:30 AM. Los Portales is located in the same parking lot as the Pancakes R Us restaurant.  We had a total of 10 people who enjoyed our luncheon fellowship in February and hope YOU can join us on March 23rd, 2021! 

Help for Gaby and Alan Bailey-Juarez
Due to the financial strain brought on by Gaby’s transplant surgeries, the Eldership has chosen to help  them financially. We also want to encourage individual members to help Gaby and Alan as well. You  can do so by identifying on your church contribution check or electronic deposit how much you want to  give to Gaby and Alan. We will then distribute your donation with the church funds we plan to give  them. If you have any questions then simply pull us aside or call any of us anytime. The Chino Elders


…but prayer was being made earnestly to God for him by the church. Acts 12:5

    • Gaby Bailey-Juarez- Gaby was released from the hospital last Saturday. She is with Alan in the hotel room in AZ. Gaby is still in a lot of pain from her wound vac & she has lost a lot of weight. She is working hard at her physical therapy at home & getting stronger every day. They hope to be back in CA within 4-6 weeks if all goes well with her recovery. Thank you so much for all the prayers & help that the Church & members have given us. God Bless.
    • Leota and John Jackson, Leota fell and broke her hip and is recuperating at home. John is struggling with cancer.
    • Vince and Dodie Ellingson, who were former members at Chino and now reside in Kalispell, Montana. Dodie is in
      a memory care facility and has fallen twice and has a broken pelvis.
    • Bob Alvord is dealing with health issues.
    • Darrel Nott has been diagnosed with prostate cancer.
    • Randy Proffitt, Danny Proffitt’s nephew, Randy, has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. The cancer in his vertebrae caused a fracture in his back for which he had surgery to repair. In addition, the cancer in his lungs and chest cavity has taken over. He is in a lot of pain and his prognosis is not good.
    • Ken McCutcheon, is struggling with health issues.
    • Glenn McCoy, former Elder at the State College congregation is in a nursing care facility and is struggling.
    • Tom Brown, (Bob Mellard’s brother-in-law who lives in Little Rock, Arkansas). He is suffering from seizures and is recovering at home.
    • Mildred Hamilton, is struggling with health issues. She has recovered from the shingles, but she now has
      pneumonia. She was hospitalized, but she is now home recuperating.
    • Ed Vales, Surgery for the blood clot in his calf has been performed and he underwent knee surgery on 2/26/21. Last report is that Ed is home recuperating.
    • Dean Nelson, Danny Proffitt’s cousin. Dean is on the road to recovery. He is now in rehab working on gaining his strength after a long, hard battle with COVID. He thanks everyone for their prayers.
    • Connie McGill- Bob Mellard’s oldest sister, Connie is 93 and is in the hospital in an unresponsive state.
    • Shirley Burton-Karen’s Mom, is recovering from surgery for a broken femur. The last report is that she is doing well.
    • Amber Pitteroff-asked for prayers for dealing with temptation and is looking for a church home.
    • Carol Thompson, Carol fell and broke her wrist.
    • Mary Schaffer, Earlene’s daughter in laws sister. Mary had Covid in December and January. Due to prior health problems she has not recovered well. She now has heart problems, The doctors are talking stents in her heart. Also they say she has severe Covid Syndrome, and doctors are planning to do a cat scan of her brain.
    • Rachel Castleberg, Gene and Anne Rupel’s daughter- Rachel is pregnant and is due in May. She will be giving birth in Germany.
    • Charlene Osborne, struggling with health issues.

Grieving: Please pray for Esther and Patrick Warf (Gene and Anne Rupel’s daughter and son-in law), as well
as Gene and Anne over the recent loss of Esther and Patrick’s baby, Molly.

Virginia Braun, who was a longtime member here at Chino, passed away on March 14th at the age of 96 years old. There will be a memorial service for Virginia on Thursday, March 25th, at 9:00 am, at Bellevue Memorial Park located at: 1240 West G Street, Ontario, CA. 91762. Virginia Braun’s favorite color was red. The family has requested that, if you are able, to please wear some form of red to her memorial service.



**OUR SENIORS: Lee Dacus, Ezra Hudson, Virginia Braun, Joe Lueras, Mildred Hamilton, Bob Alvord, Earlene Abraham, Vera Anthony, John/Leota Jackson, and Jerry/Carol Thompson.
**MILITARY: Ed Vales’ granddaughter’s husband, (AJ Jones), is at Joint Base Lewis-McChord in Tacoma, WA, Damon Aragon’s nephew, and Xander Armas, USMC San Diego
**OUR SHEPHERDS: Corey, Gene, and Reuben

March Birthdays

03/06 James Weakland
03/07 Brittney Cole
03/09 Christina Herrera
03/21 Linda Riech
03/24 Bob Alvord

Works we support…

Benevolent Support::
City of Hope, (Orphanage in Mexico), Orphan’s Lifeline International (Orphans in Russia and Africa),
Agape Village, (Children’s Home).
Evangelistic Support:
James Lloyd, (local evangelist), Bear Valley Bible Institute, Sunset International Bible Institute, Southwest
School of Bible Studies, (preaching training schools).
Congregation Support
Television Program Support:
IN SEARCH OF THE LORD’S WAY, (nationwide gospel tv program).


Read Through the Bible in 2021! Here is the reading schedule for 3/21- 4/5.
The reading schedule is chronological and is taken from:

21 Judges 9-12
22 Judges 13-15
23 Judges 16-18
24 Judges 19-21
25 Ruth 1-4
26 1 Samuel 1-3

27 1 Samuel 4-7
28 1 Samuel 8-10
29 1 Samuel 11-13
30 1 Samuel 14-16
31 1 Samuel 17-20

1 1 Samuel 21-24
2 1 Samuel 25-28
3 1 Samuel 29-31
4 2 Samuel 1-4
5 2 Samuel 5-8

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