Update from Payatas in Metro Manila
Below is an email from Felipe Cariaga informing us about the work in Payatas in Metro Manila
that Chino supports. The Chino Elders
Dear brother and sister Lacuata,
Thank you for the support you and the brethren there continue to send us. Yes, we are truly in need as the Lord continues to open new doors and opportunities for us to help those truly in need and be able to introduce to them the Lord and His saving gospel. Our outreach mission in Payatas continues to bear fruits for the glory of the Lord.
The MSE extension classes continue to give opportunity to the brethren who have the desire to be trained so as to be able to help teach others also in their respective areas of responsibilities. In our last meeting with the eight students enrolled this semester, two of those interested to enroll next semester, were present. They are members of the church in Lagro congregation in Quezon City. The expressed their desire to know more of Him and His word and to be able to teach others also. Those who started with us three years ago are now helping in reaching out to the lost and teaching them the gospel of Christ. We are happy to inform you that just last week, after studying with two of their prospects, they obeyed the Lord and were added to the number of the brethren in Payatas. To God be the glory.
The Livelihood program is likewise doing well. It is accomplishing our mission of reaching out people and helping them with their needs with the hope that our vision, to teach them the word of God and, hopefully to convict them to obey the Lord. We continue to conduct devotional and study of God’s word before Clarita starts her class in sewing. Most of the mothers enrolled in sewing are attending the devotional; period and Bible study. We must have informed you earlier that a good number of
those enrolled in this class attend regular Sunday Bible study and church service. What really excite and encourage us is that some brought their husbands with them and their children attending our Early Childhood Education on Moral and Spiritual Values. Please note that, in the three years past, the word :spiritual: was not in the logo of the program for children.
Recently, Congress of the Philippines introduced a bill allowing schools to introduce the reading of the Bible to the students to let them know at their early age about God and guide them to fear and obey Him. This, the congress says would help our society in teaching and training our children in the way they should be. Hence, our logo now bears “Early Childhood Education on Moral and Spiritual Values.” The congressmen, however, caution that no one should teach about religion. Those who enrolled in this program three years ago when they were just 10 years old are now promoted to higher level. They
are given free Bible and are now on the class where they study purely the Bible and teach them how to become a Christian.
Their parents were consulted and informed about this and they did not object. Praise the Lord.
We just had our first Medical Mission last Saturday, January 11. Felita led the mission work for children, she being a Pediatrician. She is our eldest daughter and she volunteered her services as her contribution for the Lord’s cause. She conducts this medical mission for children every six months and sometimes quarterly. The parents of the children are very happy and grateful to her.
Since the last quarter of last year, we have been sending our able men from our congregation in Manila and senior students in Payatas to three congregations we started in early and late ’90s that lost their preachers. These preachers finished our two-year program while assisted by these congregation financially. When they got married, their support was not enough for their family. They found secular jobs and left their respective congregation. Two of them went abroad. These keep us more busy
training more willing and able teachers and preachers of the word.
At the start of 2020, we receive a call from four congregations asking me to help them train their men who are willing to be trained and take over the teaching and preaching. They ask if we could spend one whole day each month to conduct a training classes to those who expressed their interest and willingness to be trained. Coming to Manila from a distance this time is difficult because of the traffic situation. This time, going to Payatas from Manila will take 45 minutes to one hour. The brethren that are requesting are from Sucol, Laguna (65 kms); San Miguel, Bulacan, (75kms); Tondo, the first congregation
we started in Manila when Manila church of Christ was disbanded when Martial Law was declared. Right now we are figuring out our schedule so these congregations we put so much time and efforts and of course money would stay alive and continue to progress His cause. Will tell you more of this next email.
We are all safe and sound here in Manila despite the Taal Volcano eruption. We are affected by ashfalls that even reached Clark Air Base and beyond. Our family has allergy problem so we were all sneezing because of the ashfalls. I watch CNN program last night and the man there really did well in his detailed description of what really happened. I called Sid Cayton that night but they did not have light and signal. I talked to him last night and he informed me that they were not able to go home Sunday night because of the ashfalls. They are still in a hotel in Alabang.
Hope all is well with both of you. Thank you so much for the help. Kindly convey to all the brethren there our deepest appreciation and heartfelt gratitude for your faithful, generous and continues partnership for the greatest cause. Please stay safe and healthy. God Bless!
Our love,
Felipe and Clarita