Hey! I’ve done my job!
Hey! I’ve done my job!
By Ed Boggness
A lot of church members believe that when they’ve gone to church on Sunday, they have done their job as far as being a Christian is concerned. But the truth is that is a very small part of following Jesus.
Everywhere we go and all-of-the-time we are either lifting up the name of Jesus to those we meet or we are treading it underfoot.
At the work place as well as the church house, we are watched. At a restaurant, at a ball-game, waiting in line at a grocery store, wherever we are, we leave an impression for good or ill. The way we answer the phone, the way we speak to a waitress, the patience we show in heavy traffic, the kindness shown to a child, the sensitivity we give to a patient; all of this speaks louder than an hour we spend at worship.
I’m not saying Sunday is unimportant. I am saying that Monday through Saturday count, too.
You may be the only Bible many folks will ever read.
What will others learn when they read your life?