Chino Church of Christ

11940 Telephone Ave. Chino, CA 91710

Ladies Day Event


BY Neal Pollard
Minister at the Bear Valley church of Christ
1) Try to spend 5 minutes of prayer in which you do nothing but praise Him.
2) Do something for Him that requires you to step out of your comfort zone—initiate a conversation with a stranger, give a tract to a co-worker you’ve been talking with, etc.
3) Have a devotional with your family.
4) Call a shut-in or stop by and visit a widow(er).
5) Write a missionary, expressing appreciation and giving encouragement.
6) Anonymously give a sacrificial amount of money for a family in need or someone dependent upon support (school of preaching student or teacher, missionary, etc.).
7) Contact an elder, asking him something you could do to help them in their work.
8) Make a list of at least 20 blessings God has given specifically to you.
9) Speak to someone at church services you have never spoken to before.
10) Invite a family from church you don’t know well over for dinner.
11) Put a packet with bottled water and granola bar, along with a tract, into a Ziploc bag to give to the person at the intersection asking for assistance.
12) Pick out a Bible book you are unfamiliar with and start breaking it down, looking for key words, purpose statement, and other clues to better understanding it. Take copious notes.
13) Pray for someone you are having problems with, an enemy, critic, or one who has offended you.
14) Alone or with your spouse and/or children, sing several songs of praise and admonition.
15) Carry a meal to a young mother who has had a difficult day.
16) Give a big smile and warm greeting to a fellow shopper or employee at a store or restaurant.
17) Ask the secretary for a list of last Sunday’s visitors and send them each a warm, brief note.
18) Think of an area for spiritual improvement in your life and ask God to help you focus on it, being transparent and sincere as you petition Him.
19) Ask the person closest to you (parent, spouse, sibling, etc.) something they need for you to pray for on their behalf.
Can you think of additional ways?

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