The Importance of One Letter

By Dan Jenkins It is easy for us to overlook the importance of a single word, even of a single letter, as we speak. An illustration of this is shown in the adage, “The only difference in united and untied is where ‘i’ is found.” One single letter moved one space totally changes the meaning […]

What’s The Point?

By Neal Pollard Years ago, Wes Autrey sent me a copy of the “Idiot Report.” To this day, I still wonder why he thought of me as he read something with that title. I found all the entries hilarious, but one attributed to a Wichita probation officer was particularly funny. This august report said, “the […]

Don’t Miss The Privilege Of Worship

By Neal Pollard Originally published July 8, 2019 Yesterday, John and Carla Moore, Kathy, and I worshipped with the church of Christ in Nazareth. We have been there a few times, but there was something extremely special about yesterday. In attendance was Wissam Al-Aethawi, an Iraqi and Muslim-born brother in Christ whom I first met […]

God Is Always In Control

By Neal Pollard While the knowledge of my fear of snakes is widespread, some of the events of my past that hardened that horror as less so. A couple of years before moving to Colorado, we were hit by Hurricane Isabel. On our one acre lot, we had well over 100 trees. In fact, about […]

Preaching Jesus

By Jonathan McAnulty In the 8th chapter of the book of Acts, we read the first recorded account of the conversion of a single, lone individual to Christianity. The individual in question was an Ethiopian Jew: a eunuch in the employ of the queen of Ethiopia. This man had journeyed to Jerusalem in order to […]

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